Truth is Absolute

The implications are staggering, for if there is no absolute truth, Jesus is in error for claiming that “thy word is truth,” (Jn 17:17). 

In God's kingdom and in the real world, Truth is inescapable.

The implications are staggering, for if there is no absolute truth, Jesus is in error for claiming that “thy word is truth,” (Jn 17:17). The importance of the issue of truth cannot be stressed to highly, for if there is no absolute truth, Christianity is nothing more than one’s opinion about God.

The Negative Test for Truth

            Now that we know what truth is, it will be helpful to apply certain principles in order to discover what is not truth. In other words, these principles will reveal what statements cannot possibly be true. Study of this section will help equip the Christian apologist by exposing him to certain laws of rational argumentation that are universally applicable no matter what religious, cultural, or philosophical backgrounds one might be identified with. They also serve as the basis for absolute truth and also for undeniable premises by which Christians can prove the existence of God.

The Laws of Logic (which says no two opposite statements can be true at the same time and in the same sense).

            The laws of logic are also called “first principles” due to their foundational nature. They are:

  1. The Law of Non-Contradiction (A cannot be both A and non-A at the same time and in the same sense)
  2. The Law of Identity (A is A)
  3. The Law of Excluded Middle  (A is either A or non-A)
  4. The Law of Rational Inference (If A is in B, and B is in C, then A is in C)

The Nature of these laws

They are:

  1. Undeniable
  2. Laws that flow from God’s nature (Jn 1:1; Heb 6:18; Tit 1:2; Jms 1:13)
  3. Self-evident to all (i.e. cannot get behind, under, or beyond them)
  4. Like ethical laws which are prescriptive (what you ought to do)
  5. A negative test for truth 

The importance of knowing these laws:

  1.  Knowledge of these laws help in the detection of logical contradictions when dealing with others (Ex: Panentheist says God is an “Infinite finite.” The statement “All truth is relative” is an absolute relative statement which is contradictory) 
  2. Knowledge of these laws aid in establishing common ground with all religions when witnessing (i.e. All religious statements are subjected to them).
  3. No absolute truth statements could be made without these laws.
  4. Knowing these laws will help one discover and establish certain undeniable premises that can be used for establishing the existence of God. 

Absolute truth is an inescapable reality. 


— (耶利米书33:3)