
The Trinity can be defined as follows: There is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal and co-equal persons that are the same substance but distinct in existence. This is a deep but beautiful topic knit throughout each fiber of the Word of God.

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The scriptures use this word in many ways; first, we see that we are sanctified in God's sight, but we also notice here on earth that we still sin and make mistakes. Sanctification is a process of God growing and changing us to look more like Jesus.

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How are we justified? Freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Justification is when God declares us "not guilty" based on our faith in Jesus Christ, not based on works.

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Salvation implies that there must be an impending danger that necessitates the assistance of another. The word salvation in the Bible is of this sort, and it relates to the theological study of soteriology. Our situation as human beings is a desperate one!

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The Bible is the Christian's sacred scriptures. This book, the Bible, is comprised of 66 inspired and canonized books, divided into two testaments. The Old Testament has 39 books and the New Testament has 27 books. The Christian believer recognizes these books as being inspired, authoritative, and inerrant.

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— (耶利米书33:3)