Eternal Punishment

The Bible teaches that the human soul continues to exist consciously after death. Those who have rejected God's gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ will suffer conscious-eternal punishment. 

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God Exists

Whatever begins to exist has been caused by another (every effect has a cause).

The universe began to exist (the universe is an effect).

Therefore, the universe was caused to exist by another (universe had a cause).

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Truth is Absolute

The implications are staggering, for if there is no absolute truth, Jesus is in error for claiming that “thy word is truth,” (Jn 17:17). 

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“Philosophers don’t agree”

“There’s no certainty in philosophy”

“Paul said to “beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy’” (Col 2:8)

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Apologetics is a judicial term that describes the Fashion a lawyer defends his client in a courtroom (II Tim 4:16).

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 Relativism says there is no right or wrong, each person can do what is right for them.

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The Philosophical study of ethics revolves around the discussion of what is right, good, or moral.

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Archaeology and the Bible

All Archaeological discoveries that correspond to the Bible show the accuracy of the Scriptures

Archaeologists have discovered over 25,000 finds that confirms some aspect of the Bible.

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(DSS) Dead Sea Scrolls

The contrast between the white dome and the black wall alongside it alludes to the tension evident in the scrolls between the spiritual world of the “Sons of Light” (as the Judean Desert sectarians called themselves) and the “Sons of Darkness” (the sect’s enemies). 

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If we understand sin and our part in it; we will be brought to the door of Saving Faith.

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— (耶利米书33:3)